Welcome Bienvenue Welkom Benvenuti

Energy Assistance celebrates its 20th anniversary !

and Energy Assistance France it’s 15th anniversary !

Energy Assistance is a non-profit association created in Belgium in 2001 by colleagues from the ENGIE Group.
Energy Assistance France has been founded in 2005. Energy Assistance Monaco and Energy Assistance Italy in 2011.


Energy Assistance (EA) was created in Belgium in 2001 by employees of Tractebel, Electrabel and Fabricom. Today, EA brings together volunteers (both retired employees and currently active staff) from the energy business lines of the ENGIE Group and from the Belgian grid operators.

Our Objectives

The objective of the association is to offer the skills and expertise of its members to give technical support to humanitarian projects that serve communities with little to no access to energy all over the world

Main field of activity

Health, education, economic development.

Chain of know how

Study, purchasing, logistic, installation, training …

Typical projects

Off-grid electricity generation • Connection to the grid of isolated communities • Upgrading electrical installation

Look at our latest projects


People who benefit this project


Projects carried out in 45 countries


KiloWatts of power installed or connected


Hours spent on the project by EA members
