Tacloban, a city on the Philippine island Leyte, situated in the middle of the Pacific. Just at the edge of a river, is the children’s village “SOS Children” located. A real village with a.o.a community house. In 2013, a typhoon tidal wave very heavily damaged most of the  buildings.

Bob Thielemans (ENGIE Benelux) was on site to help and support the local population. Very fast the idea of an electric project, to create a safe place and protect the children during typhoons and floods, arose. To start with, a solid community house was built.

As the electricity network is frequently out of order during typhoons, a battery operated emergency installation and 16 photovoltaic panels of 250 Wp were installed. This mission was realised in December 2015 with the assistance of Rodolfo Mendiola, Jr (SOS Children Village Philippines) en Gabriel Guariño (on-job training)

This installation provides electricity for up to 2 days for the lighting, two refrigerators, a hydrophone pump, an emergency radio-transmitter and several small electrical devices.

Volunteers : Jos Govaert (ENGIE Electrabel), Jason Fulgencio (ENGIE Cofely Philippines)
Project Leader : Jos Govaert (ENGIE Electrabel)

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The non-profit association Abantu Zambia has been active in Zambia for more than 20 years and has already built numerous dispensaries, schools, libraries, wells, millsand other agricultural facilities for local populations. Energy Assistance has already implemented one project together with the association. Energy Assistance took charge of installing solar panels and batteries. The volunteers on the ground, Marc Van Gelder (ORES) and Steve Begasse (Cofely Services) also had to provide assistance with the assembly of a water tank. A visit to Muntemba had also been planned to replace the batteries installed several years earlier in another, similar health centre. The aim of the project was to equip a dispensary and a maternity unit with lighting and electric sockets.

A solarpowered submersible pump kit was also assembled and installed. Buying a large proportion of the equipment locally lowered the project’s procurement costs and saved on transportation. A new dispensary, which had received planning permission from the local authorities, was set up in Muchinga in a region without any healthcare infrastructure. The next dispensary is 25 km away, whereas in rural parts of this impoverished country most people still travel around on foot. The Zambian state is in charge of administering and staffing the dispensary. The first two nurses have already been recruited.

Project manager : Gilles de Roubaix

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Last September and October, electricity was installed in various social buildings (mainly hospitals and schools) in the Mutwanga urban area, situated in Northern Kivu, in the heart of the Virunga National Park.  The installation was realised with the help of Energy Assistance.
The requestor, the “Virunga Foundation”, is strongly involved in the Park management by means of securing the safety of the Park Rangers who fight poaching and deforestation.

Thanks to EA volunteer, the electric installation for the hospital and 4 schools was designed and described in detail. Once the material had been ordered, it was shipped out to Kivu via the Republic of Uganda.
Due to the unstable situation in the Mutwanga area, the technical teams of the Virunga Foundation had to rely upon their own resources to undertake the installation. Luckily they had the support of our volunteer, who was in regular contact with them, and coached them to accomplish their mission successfully.  This to great satisfaction of the beneficiaries and the local population.

Volunteer :Jacques Tilquin (ENGIE Cofely)
Project Leader : José Jacquemart (ENGIE Tractebel)


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Last September, Energy Assistance has sent two volunteers to the village of Samba in de Maniema Province in DR Congo. Our specialists volunteered there for ten days to provide solar power to the village. They installed photovoltaic panels at the village health center that houses a maternity and a small laboratory.
With the help of three local technicians, the volunteers installed 4.5 kW of photovoltaic panels. They also trained these local technicians so they can provide the maintenance. Serge : “The mission was very rewarding as we witnessed the first ultrasound being performed, something that was not possible before. Energy Assistance not only brought electricity to the health center and its neighboring villages, but also lets us keep both our feet on the ground and lets us experience this unique inspiring moment”.

Volunteers : Serge Algoet and Vincent Michiels (Sibelga)
Project Leader : Luc Hermant (ENGIE Electrabel)

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Energy Assistance asbl-vzw and ENGIE Asia Pacific worked together to renovate the electrical installation of a school that welcomes visually impaired children in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

This project was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of two Energy Assistance volunteers and a team of local volunteers.  Oyungerel Tseren (ENGIE Mongolia), who ensured the coordination of the project in Ulaanbaatar,  has also contributed to the success of this project.
The renovation was urgent, as the school set up in 1964 regularly faced power cuts, failures and other issues due to lack of funding and maintenance. Children and school staff also faced security risks because of the poor electrical installation.

Besides the main switchboard, the volunteers also replaced distribution boards on each of the three school floors. Afterwards, they renovated the electrical wiring of the attic where the district installation is. In Ulaanbaatar, outdoor temperatures often drop below 40°C in the winter. It is thus important to be able to monitor and check the heating system regularly.
Finally, the team participated in the revamping of the school showers.

The financing of the project was for the major part covered by the Energy Assistance 2015 greeting cards’ sales. This operation wouldn’t have been possible without the help of volunteers and the support of Tractebel Engineering.

Volunteers : Etienne Decamps (ENGIE Electrabel), Jack Sunaet (ENGIE Asia-Pacific)
Project Leader : Miklos Almasy (ENGIE Africa)


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ACOPAMEC, a Brazilian NGO, aims at reducing poverty of the Mata Escura communities in Salvador de Bahia. It manages among others a secondary school and a professional training centre.

ACOPAMEC has requested Energy Assistance expertise for the electrification of its training centre.
With the help of Brazilian volunteers, Energy Assistance has among others:

-designed a renewed electrical circuit included a new high tension station,
-purchased with ACOPAMEC the necessary electrical and technical equipment,
-helped the Brazilian NGO with the selection of a local supplier and with the acceptance of the installed equipment,
-given a training to ACOPAMEC qualified persons for the future running and maintenance of the installed systems.

With this Energy Assistance realization, around a thousand young people per year pursue their education with better chance to find a job in the future.

Volunteers :Danilo Pereira de Castro (Leme Engenharia Brazil),Ítalo Augusto Vasconcelos David (Leme Engenharia Brazil)
Project Leader :Maurice Roch (retired ENGIE Tractebel)

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