Energy Assistance with the help of one of its beneficiaries has set up a first partnership in order to compensate the flights of its volunteers in terms of CO2.

To do so, Energy Assistance has developed a first partnership with one of its beneficiaries in Benin so that the contribution of the beneficiaries to the projects is made under a participative economy formula.  The beneficiaries have committed to replanting 3.6 hectares of mangroves in order to create a carbon sink and protect biodiversity in the region.

Mangroves are one of the most productive ecosystems on our planet in terms of biomass and can store up to 100 kg (on average 40 kg) of carbon per m². This storage is partly in the wood of the trees, which is a dense wood, but mainly in the litter. Mangroves also have an essential role in terms of biodiversity because it is mainly there that a large part of the marine and brackish water species reproduce and form the at the base of the food chain. It should also be noted that mangroves are the most effective natural coastal protection system. With global warming and climatic hazards, this is not to be disregarded.

With 3.6 hectares EA compensates for about 1,500 tons or 30 flights per year over 20 years (A flight to Benin is about 2.2 tons of CO2 per passenger (considering the radiative forcing).

Other projects are under study and soon we will be able to offer our members to offset their private flights to help our beneficiaries develop a participatory economy and thus generate in the long term enough to maintain the facilities offered by EA with the support of its various donors including ENGIE.

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For this new mission, our volunteers José B. Dominique T and Henri M. went first to Kilengi, a village of 1050 inhabitants. In June 2017, José B., accompanied by two other volunteers, Olivier D.R. and Patrick D., supplied the 3 buildings at Kilengi Hospital with solar energy. However, due to lack of correct information, the installation of the solar pump could not be finalized.

This installation was done this time, to the delight of the local people! School children in the village also took the opportunity to receive some explanations on this action:

A long journey, strewn with pitfalls and breakdowns, was still waiting for our volunteers to join Kwilu Ngongo. It took them no less than 9 hours to cover the last 35 kms!

As the hospital suffered many power cuts from the SNEL (National Electricity Company), the mission was to carry out a photovoltaic installation to provide for emergencies. The network being four-phase and the solar possibility being single-phase, it was necessary to make choices!

Henri proposed to reserve a phase for emergencies. They « just » had to determine what was a priority and to connect it to the photovoltaic system. But, that was not so simple as all the existing installation was built and realized with only one color of cable!

A lot of other actions needed also to be done: to fix the solar panels on the roof, to lower the cables to the technical room, to install the earth cables, to connect everything to the inverter and the regulator and to connect the installation to the batteries.
Local staff were also trained in the proper use of this new facility!

At the end of this busy mission, our three volunteers have still had the opportunity to visit the outbuildings of the sugar mill and the brickyard, working with sugar cane residues!

Thanks to José B., Dominique T. and Henri M. for their dedication and this amazing achievement.


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Born from the meeting between teachers from Auderghem (Belgium) and Malem (Senegal), the non-profit association Malem-Auder supports various local projects, including a millet mill. This mill was electrified by EA in 2013.
During her trip to Senegal, our volunteer Sylvia B. met with them to develop a future project to electrify the new maternity ward and health post.
A nice way to create lasting links and ensure the sustainability of projects.

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During her stay in Senegal, our volunteer Sylvia B. met the president of the school group “Les Cajoutiers”, which in 2015 was equipped with a photovoltaic installation by Energy Assistance (Freddy A. and his team) in partnership with ENGIE Foundation.
The installation is still working perfectly and has led to a significant improvement in the functioning of this school, which welcomes more than 500 students in 12 elementary and 3 preschool classes.
This school is also the only one in Senegal that welcomes about fifty deaf children in 6 classes as well as a class for children with Down’s syndrome. Go for zero carbone.

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It is in Yangon, a city buzzing with life but also poverty, that we arrive on Sunday June 23rd for our mission in a temperature of 35°C, 85% humidity.
The objective is to install 8 photovoltaic panels of 236 Wp, a 3 kVA charger/inverter and 24 batteries to help an orphanage for 32 children during frequent power failures.
On the day of our arrival, we visit the orphanage and we realize that the situation is more complex than the one announced. There are 3 buildings whose electrical connections are interconnected without any logic, no color codes, no possibility of insulating the lighting, no ladder to access the roof, roof covering in rusty corrugated sheets and thinner than a cigarette leaf….
Fortunately, this city of 4.1 million inhabitants is full of shops: we find a ladder and various accessories for our mission.
At night, we have a well-defined plan to best satisfy the residents: we will provide emergency power to a building including the boys’ dormitory and the orphanage manager’s small apartment, and to power the lighting in the homework room located in another building. We plan to completely refurbish the lighting in the boys’ dormitory and install two ceiling fans in the kitchen.
Five days later, everything was set up and operational with children happy to be able to study in the evening when it was dark everywhere else, following yet another power outage on the network.

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Energy Assistance (NPA non profit association) is actively engaged along with ENGIE Foundation as well as with Doctor Denis Mukwege, Nobel Peace Prize winner 2018, to help women who survived sexual violence through the reengineering of the electrical installations and the installation of solar panel feeding on the Panzi Hospital. The Partnership was signed March 27th , during the « Stand Speak Rise up ! » conference, an international forum dedicated to prevent sexual violence of all kinds in sensitive areas organized at the initiative of the Grand-Duchess of Luxembourg, and of which ENGIE Foundation is partner.

Gynecologist Denis Mukwege is considered as a hero in Bukavu, South-Kivu’s Capital, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The latest Peace Nobel Prize awardee has been fighting for the past 20 years against a ream scpirge: the rape, which became a routine weapon of war used by rebel groups aiming to control mines in the region.  Also called the « women repairer » he has treated so far in his hospital in Panzi more than 50 000 women who survived sexual violence. He founded is hospital in 1999.  Thanks to high-tech medical treatment, victims could be operated in this establishment –– and benefit also from  psychologic and legal assistance.

Since the cause of woman and health are both at the heart of our commitments, Energy Assistance together with ENGIE Foundation decided to found Denis Mukwege project.  The objectives of this tripartite partnership targets the renovation and improving security of the existing electrical installation as well as the implementation of a new electrical installation with solar panels in the Panzi Reference Hospital.  This will substantially improve the  economic and energetic efficiency of the whole installation of the Panzi Hospital.  A first feasibility study was already done in 2018.

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For this last project in 2018, our volunteers, Xavier D., Paul H., Florent P. and Armando O. S. went in Ethiopia, in rural area of the Mirab Abaya woreda (district), more than 100 km away from national electric grid. Electrification with solar photovoltaic technology is particularly appropriate thanks to the excellent solar radiation throughout the year ranging from 5-5.6 kWh/m2.

The custom clearance took a very long time and we had to postpone the execution of the mission several times. Arrived in Addis Abeba, our 4 volunteers took a local flight to Arba Minch. It took then almost a full day of drive to arrive to Shella Dida.

The The Shella Dida High School is composed of 5 buildings in concrete, rather recent.
The electrical wiring was completely redone and the photovoltaic panels installed.


Our volunteers went then to Done Ela,where they electrified a High School composed of 4 buildings made of wood and earth. Although the living conditions in these two regions are extremely poor, our volunteers have received a wonderful welcome from the local population.

Both projects, largely funded by ENGIE Foundation, where performed in collaboration with the Arba Minch University, who contributed by transporting the equipment from Arba Minch to the sites and providing technician to help for the installation and ensure the follow-up for the sustainability of the project.

Thank you to the volunteers of Energy Assistance and all those who have contributed to the success of this mission.


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« Where there is light, there is LIFE », said a wise men met during this mission.

This first mission to Guinea, in the Kankan region, Mandiana prefecture, took place in 3 stages.

It is in the small village of Gbillin (900 inhabitants), about 15 km from any roads suitable for motorized vehicles, that our volunteers first dropped their luggages and tool bags. The program : electrify the health clinic with photovoltaic panels and install a fridge, to keep vaccines and medicines. The village’s primary school also received the same type of equipment, allowing evening classes and catch-up classes. In fact, one of the first students of the school who had completed his studies at university. A very symbolic moment !

With this experience, the team performed similar missions in record time and always in a good mood in 2 neighboring villages, Loïla (3900 inhabitants) and Faranindoun (8447 inhabitants), each building bringing its share of surprises and technical specificities.

In the evening, the women sang and danced,  to the sound of calabashes and djembes, in front of the health clinic, happy to be treated and give birth in better conditions.

A big thanks to the residents of Gbillin, Loïla and Faranindoun for their help in carrying out these projects and for their generous welcome. Thank you Dramane K., electrician in Kankan and our guide and translator on site. Thank you Dominique K., Marcel B., Geoffroy R. and Sylvia B. for their dedication on the field and thank you Roland R. for the good follow-up of the project.



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This new mission in Benin took place in the Zou province, on the outskirts of the city of Bohicon, the second largest city in the country and located 120 km north of Cotonou.

At the request of the Bohicon town hall, 3 sites have been equipped with electrical installations and photovoltaic panels:
– two buildings grouping the 6 years of public primary school
– a large building serving as a community hall and youth center
– a new building serving as a dormitory for students in agronomy and market gardening.

Throughout their stay, the 5 volunteers of EA were superbly supported and motorized by the local authorities and were thus able to devote all of their energy to the realization of the projects.

The joy and emotion of the schoolchildren and teachers when discovering the lighting in their classrooms was priceless. At Lokozoum, especially, shouts of joy were even heard when the lights were on! An experience that gave the volunteers chills.

By making the final adjustment of the outdoor floodlights, on each of the three sites, and seeing the joy on the faces and the reflection of the lights in the eyes, our volunteers took the measure of their work!

A great human adventure for this EA team composed of Patrick D., Djuneyt C., Serge G., Juanito F., and the project manager Freddy A.



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