Last March, three Energy Assistance volunteers took the road to the Bas-Congo in DRC in order to carry out several missions that were not always easy. The volunteeers provided their expertise in electrical grid construction and management to the locals.
The volunteer’s first stop was in Lukula where they worked hand in hand with the teams of SNEL (National Democratic Republic of Congo’s power utility). They took part in the extension of the local overhead network and to the construction of a 30 kV transformer substation, allowing the connection of a health center to the grid.
They then headed to Kivuvu where they repaired a cabinet supplying a hospital specialized in the fight against leprosy and tuberculosis : “We have replaced the transformer and the general low voltage board, and have upgraded the landings and surge protectors to protect the facilities” explains Dominique. “Before our intervention, this cabinet underwent frequent failures and the hospital often had to wait several weeks for repairs”f.
Last leg of their journey : Tumba.The volunteers provided transport and supply of two transformers to allow the powering of a school and of the village residents. This will enable the construction of a 15 kV overhead line in the near future.
Volunteers : Dominique Keser and Georges Echement (ORES), Marcel Bavay (retired ORES)
Project Leader : Roland Rosseel