This project, in the proximity of M’Bour, about 90 km South of Dakar, consisted of the installation of a solar panel kit producing 2400 Wp. This installation produces and delivers electricity to a grammar school comprising no less than 650 pupils from the 1st to the 6th grade; with on top three classes for the deaf and mute.
21 classes, an administrative building, a kitchen, a sick ward, a library, a toilet block for boys and girls and living quarters for the guard, in other words, 46 light fixtures and various sockets that require power.
Also a night/security lighting and an automatic well pump was installed, both powered by the solar panel produced electricity.
Our three volunteers assisted by Sadio, a local volunteer, needed all their strength and energy to successfully complete this mission, which was quite challenging due to the monsoon season.

Volunteers : Freddy Arzée (retired Cofely Fabricom),Dominique Thomas (ORES), Oriano Vergnanini (ENGIE Electrabel)
Project Leader : Freddy Arzée

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