Last December, our colleagues Patrick D. (EA) and Gaëlle A. (EAF) went to Senegal for a multi-stage mission, with a temperature difference of almost 40°C compared to European winter temperatures.

The first stage took place in the Kaolak region, where our two volunteers were warmly welcomed by the managers of the Malem-Auder non-profit organization, which is very active in improving living conditions and in agroecology in rural areas of Senegal.

The association asked Energy Assistance to help rehabilitate a well by installing a solar pump in Medina Safa, a village of 650 inhabitants. The planned flow rate (2.5 m3/h over the course of the sun) maximizes watering, giving the best chance of a good harvest.

After checking and advising on the grounding of the panels, the installation, carried out by local partner Bonergie, was handed over and celebrated with the village elders and the women who will manage the plot.



In Hodar, our volunteers examined the solar installation at the health center, which was built in 2020 and has been suffering from malfunctions. An adaptation of this installation is currently being studied.

Their stay in the region also enabled them to visit other agricultural achievements in the villages ofNavarenne and Banghadi, or future projects, such as in Tobene.

The second phase took our volunteers to Yayem, where they gather the necessary information for a future electrification project for the school, attended by 315 pupils, and the host house.


Finally, our volunteers went to Mbour to check out the facilities at the Cajoutiers school for the deaf and hearing-impaired, built in March 2022 and in need of more satisfactory maintenance.

Many thanks to our two volunteers for this excellent Franco-Belgian collaboration and mission.

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