In 2014 and 2015 an Ebola epidemic raged through Western Africa. Sierra Leone was amongst the countries struck by the disaster.
Hence, the decision to put the application from “Eye for Salone” and “The Flemish Institute and Primary School” on hold and not to restart it before the end of 2015.
On their wish list : the installation of solar panels (3.0 kWc), batteries, a fridge and 2 computers for the new primary school and training centre in Waterloo, next door to the “Amputee and War Wounded Camp”, where victims of the 1991-2002 Civil War had found a home.
The project went very smoothly, thanks to the helpful locals, who welcomed and supported our two Energy Assistance volunteers during the entire duration.
Frank and Luc witness : “Beautiful weather, sometimes too hot, especially for the roof work. Luckily we had a cool breeze from time to time. The first computer lessons were really encouraging.The only fact they have to learn, is that the Belgian ‘Tricolours’ is not horizontal but vertical”.
A good start for the first intervention of EA in Sierra Leone.
Volunteers : Frank Anckaert (ENGIE Electrabel), Luc Brossé(ENGIE Electrabel)
Project Leader : Miklos Almasy (ENGIE Africa)